Matrosalud is a group of professionals with large experience in the perinatal area and part of the Quirón Salud group, with their main centre at QuirónSalud Hospital in Córdoba.

Matrosalud was already one of our clients; first part was to make a design project to complete their graphic identity and corporate stationery. And the next step was the creation of their company website, both in terms of design and programming.

The website has been designed maintaining the corporate colours, highlighting the messages by means of coloured backgrounds. The programming, carried out with WordPress, shows a very clean and easy way to navigate the website, so the user can find the different sections intuitively. The access to the contents of the website is designed to be used in different supports such as computers, tablets or mobile phones. We are currently designing and programming a private area with limited access for the clients, with the purpose of unique access to medical history, treatments, analyses, etc…

You can see all the details of the website at